This weekend 3 of my best friends received a huge surprise. They each got a quilt for Christmas as a gift.
Now, this has never happened before and is unlikely to happen very often in the future but I had a bit of time and opportunity to zip up some basic patchwork tops using only jelly rolls. At least a jelly roll in each case. Don't you just love the wonders of precuts making quick cutting and piecing so much easier.
The jelly rolls I used were from Craftsy. I know, I know, if you've just found the link when they have a reduction/sale on you will be wondering how they can make any profit. If you're in GB, like me, then you'll be wondering whether it is worth the extra shipping - it is! If you're savvy and wait until the price drops - they can often have up to 50%, 60% or even 70% off their quilt kits and fabrics. So a full sized (i.e. 40 x 2.5 inch WOF strips) jelly roll here costs upwards of £30; in a Craftsy sale it can cost as little as £8.97. Ok, if that was all you bought the shipping wouldn't make it worthwhile, but if you got fabric for the backing too (at anything as little as £4 a yard) you'd be starting to make it more plausible.
Anyway I digress. So here's a few pictures of the different quilts.
Thank you for reading this blog. Looking for a customized quilt for you or a loved one contact me today for a quote! I look forward to hearing your ideas! Clare
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